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We have more than ten years of experience in representing clients in civil, administrative and criminal cases. Different procedural nuances are often decisive in weighing the scales in your favor. We cooperate with knowledgeable colleagues and cooperation partners to provide our customers with the best service.


It does not pay for small businesses to hire a lawyer. Customers appreciate our cooperation and the benefits it provides.


By combining the acquired knowledge of a lawyer and an administrator, we are able to help you get rid of debts or avoid the insolvency process. We also offer solutions for companies in case of insolvency.


Most of the work in each of the construction sites is performed by subcontractors from various industries. Unfortunately, due to the inability to adequately defend their interests and to be disciplined enough with the preparation of documents, subcontractors often do not get paid for the work done.


Beneficial beneficiaries, compulsory liquidation, change, authorization, reorganization, suspension and restoration of business activity, liquidation. These are all current commercial law issues that require attention.


We advise in real estate transactions - transaction research, transaction management and risk analysis.

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I am a second generation sworn lawyer. I work individually with each client

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I am a second generation sworn lawyer. I work individually with each client

This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.

At Wix we're passionate about making templates that allow you to build fabulous websites and it's all thanks to the support and feedback from users like you! Keep up to date with New Releases and what's Coming Soon in Wixellaneous in Support. Feel free to tell us what you think and give us feedback in the Wix Forum.


I am a second generation sworn lawyer. I work individually with each client

This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.

At Wix we're passionate about making templates that allow you to build fabulous websites and it's all thanks to the support and feedback from users like you! Keep up to date with New Releases and what's Coming Soon in Wixellaneous in Support. Feel free to tell us what you think and give us feedback in the Wix Forum.


Components of the insolvency process:

  • Declaration of insolvency;

  • Bankruptcy proceedings;

  • Obligation cancellation procedure;

  • Deletion of obligations.

Successful completion of all these stages will clear the debts.


The most important thing about the bankruptcy procedure:​

  • Creditors submit creditor claims;

  • The administrator requests information, we help prepare the answer, the administrator identifies the debtor's property and checks whether transactions have been closed to hide the property;

  • The administrator compiles the register of creditors;

  • We are preparing a debt settlement plan.

The insolvency process is a complex set of steps and conditions. I help my clients to successfully implement it, so that they get rid of obligations that they cannot fulfill.

Costs of the insolvency process of a natural person:

  • Administrator's remuneration - 1400.00 euros (payment to be made before submitting documents to the court);

  • State fee - 70.00 euros (payment must be made before submitting the documents to the court);

  • Fee for preparation of documents 1000.00 - 1400.00 euros, depending on the complexity of the process. Payment is made in installments.


* The fee includes managing the process, monitoring and providing answers to various questions of interest throughout the process, assistance in obtaining the necessary documents, preparation of the application, preparation of the response to the administrator's request for information, preparation of the debt settlement plan and application for the declaration of the debt settlement procedure.

Insolvency process of a legal entity

The insolvency process of a legal entity is one of the most complicated legal institutes. Roles of legal entity insolvency proceedings:

  • Creditor;

  • Member of the Board;

  • Employee;

  • Debtor.

In the insolvency process, everyone has their own interests, which we professionally represent.




Brīvības gatve 209-1, Riga, LV-1039, Latvia

E-mail -
Tel - + 371 26432924


In case of any questions, please write to:

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  • What kind of things do you work with?
    We represent clients in civil cases (transactions and real estate), commercial cases (restructuring, registration of changes, reorganization), insolvency cases (insolvency proceedings of natural and legal persons). We represent the interests of clients in court.
  • What are the costs of insolvency proceedings?
    Administrator remuneration 1400 EUR; State fee 70 EUR; Our compensation 1000 - 1400 EUR depending on the complexity of the process.
  • How can I apply for a consultation?
    Please leave your e-mail and phone number and we will contact you!
  • Can the debt of 2008-2010 be collected?
    Yes, it is theoretically possible. It must be checked whether there has been a judgment for collection, whether there is a statute of limitations (3 or 10 years), or whether there has been insolvency.
  • Cik maksā advokāts tiesā?
    Advokāta izmaksas tiesā var būt ļoti atšķirīgas atkarībā no konkrētās lietas veida (civillieta, krimināllieta vai administratīvā lieta) un sarežģītības. Par honorāru var vienoties dažādos veidos, piemēram, ir iespējams sarunāt tā saucamo "laimes honorāru", kur atlīdzība ir atkarīga no lietas iznākuma. Var vienoties par konkrētu darbību vai par pārstāvību vienā tiesas instancē. Mūsu birojā stundas likme ir robežās no 100 līdz 150 EUR. Strīdos, kuriem ir mantiska vērtība, honorāda apmēra apmērs var arī svārstīties 5% - 10% apmērā no prasības summas. Lai iegūtu precīzāku informāciju par jūsu lietu, aicinām sazināties ar mums un vienoties par konsultāciju.
  • Ar kādām lietām strādā Volksona advokātu birojs?
    Mēs pārstāvam klientus civillietās (darījumi un nekustamais īpašums), būvniecības lietās, komerclietās (restruktrizācija, izmaiņu reģistrācija, reorganizācija), maksātnespējas lietās (fizisko un juridisko personu maksātnespējas procesi). Pārstāvam klientu intereses tiesā.
  • What is the hourly rate?
    Hourly rates in our office are from 100 - 150 EUR
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